In this post, we share a list of some of the best resources for intergenerational ministry that are currently available for churches and church leaders. We also highlight how the Pray for Me Campaign is an excellent practical step to helping congregations form meaningful intergenerational relationships.
Intergenerational ministry is a ministry with the primary goal to connect and unite every generation in shared relationships, worship, and service.
But intergenerational ministry requires more than a church event where the generations are together. It looks like intentionally cultivating intergenerational relationships designed to impact and enhance the experience of each generation inside the church.
To incorporate intergenerational ministry into the life of your church, follow these steps and then take advantage of the list of intergenerational ministry resources below.
3 Steps to Getting Started with Intergenerational Youth Ministry
1. Learn About Intergenerational Ministry
If you’re ready to dive into intergenerational ministry, make sure that you first have a clear idea of what intergenerational ministry is. Get to know the goals of an intergenerational ministry as well as why intergenerational ministry is needed in today’s world.
Be sure that you don’t confuse intergenerational ministry with multigenerational ministry.
2. Create a Strategy for Intergenerational Ministry
Once you’ve learned more about intergenerational ministry, it’s a good idea to create a strategy for how you hope to incorporate intergenerational ministry into the fabric of your church.
Identify the specific needs of your congregation. Determine the best ways to build a bridge between the generations. And develop a clear plan that you and your team can implement.
3. Execute Your Plan for Intergenerational Ministry
When you’ve got your plan in place, select an individual or a group of church leaders to serve as champions for intergenerational ministry at your church.
Encourage these individuals to talk regularly about the importance of intergenerational ministry, point out new opportunities to build intergenerational relationships, and be a source of direction and accountability for your intergenerational ministry strategy.
Resources for Intergenerational Ministry
Books About Intergenerational Ministry
If you’re looking to learn more about Intergenerational Ministry, consider these books.
InterGenerate: Transforming Churches through Intergenerational Ministry
InterGenerate by Holly Catterton Allen is a resource developed using the perspectives of church leaders in multiple denominations and generations. It includes some of the latest research concerning intergenerational ministry as well as an introduction to intergenerational spiritual disciplines. This book is a fascinating look at why we must bring the generations together again and how to go about that process biblically and intentionally.
Intergenerational Christian Formation: Bringing the Whole Church Together in Ministry, Community and Worship
A commonly-referred to resource, Intergenerational Christian Formation by Holly Catterton Allen and Christine Lawton provides readers with an in-depth look at the biblical foundation for intergenerational ministry. It also includes case studies that show how churches have successfully built intergenerational ministries. Allen and Lawton compassionately exhort the church to pursue a common life across the generations.
The Passion Generation: The Seemingly Reckless, Definitely Disruptive, But Far From Hopeless Millennials
Grant Skeldon has also contributed to the intergenerational ministry conversion with his book The Passion Generation. This title shares the perspective of millennials. And it highlights why intergenerational ministry is key to helping their generational thrive in the larger church community.
Grant is himself a millennial, and he relies on statistics and stories to get to the heart of why millennials are disconnected from the church. He’s keen on using discipleship to help eliminate generational gaps.
Strategy-Building Resources for Intergenerational Ministry
If you’re looking to develop and articulate a strategy for intergenerational ministry, check out these resources.
GenOn’s Visioning Tool
GenOn Ministries provides a whole host of resources for churches who are interested in intergenerational ministry, but one of their most unique resources is their Free Visioning Tool.
According to GenOn Ministries, “This easy-to-use tool helps churches take a picture of current ministries and their inclusion of multiple ages, and create a plan to move toward being an intergenerational church.” They even offer to provide a consultation throughout your visioning process.
Vibrant Faith’s Intergenerational Faith Formation Tool Kit
Vibrant Faith provides training and coaching for church leaders. And if you subscribe to Faith Catalyst, you’ll gain access to their Intergenerational Faith Formation Tool Kit.
This Kit includes an in-depth look at each of the generations, the vision behind intergenerational ministry, and suggestions for strategies and practices for intergenerational ministry. They even provide “10 Ways to Be a More Intergenerational Church.”
Intergenerational Ministry Planning Guide by The Evangelical Covenant Church
The Evangelical Covenant Church features a free Intergenerational Ministry Planning Guide on their website. This guide prompts church leaders to follow a four-step plan to incorporating intergenerational ministry.
In their guide, you’ll find notes about how to evaluate the status of intergenerational relationships at your church, how to create a plan for intergenerational ministry, and how to involve church members in the process.
Practical Resources for Intergenerational Ministry
If you’re looking for practical ways to incorporate intergenerational ministry into the life of your church, look no further than these intergenerational ministry resources.
8 Ways to Foster Intergenerational Relationships by Illustrated Ministry
Illustrated Ministry shares 8 practical ways to foster intergenerational relationships in this post on their website.
They give suggestions like a community garden, laundry parents for college students, and even pen pals or confirmation mentors.
Intergenerational Church Toolkit by the Christian Reformed Church
The Christian Reformed Church has put together a comprehensive toolkit for Intergenerational Ministry, which includes several practical ideas and resources.
In this kit, they provide suggestions for large group and small group intergenerational activities, as well as a whole host of intergenerational curriculum and ideas.
The Pray for Me Campaign
Last but not least, the Pray for Me Campaign is a simple and practical step towards intergenerational ministry that the whole church body can get behind.
The Pray For Me Campaign uses the common ground of prayer to help link the generations at your church. During the campaign, adult believers from various generations become Prayer Champions and commit to a year of prayer for one student or one family with young children.
The Pray for Me Prayer Guides equip the Prayer Champions to pray specific, Scripture-based prayers for children or students through the lens of the 7 Essentials found in each guide.
With the Pray for Me Campaign, your church can easily provide every adult in every generation the chance to make a difference in the life of a family, student, or child.
To date, the Pray for Me Campaign has helped to create over 43,000 intergenerational relationships.
Give the Pray for Me Campaign a try, and see how simple it can be to link the generations at your church through prayer.