unleash the power of prayer
Engage your Faith Community to Pray for your Students
encouraging Spiritual Growth in your students is hard
But by focusing on the 7 Essentials of Prayer you will put a discipleship focus in the lives of your students & community!

launch the campaign & see spiritual growth through Intergenerational relationships
Our easy to use Prayer Guides make it simple for anyone to be a Prayer Champion for your Students

The Pray for Me Campaign – Quick Start Kit for Schools is a completely downloadable set of resources designed to walk you through how to launch the Pray for Me Campaign at your school.
Launch the Pray for Me Campaign in 4 easy steps:
The Quick Start Kit for Schools is a completely downloadable set of resources designed to help you launch the Pray for Me Campaign at your school.
This simple step-by-step guide is sure to help your school have a great experience. You’ll find promotional videos, social media, and customizable emails to help equip students and Prayer Champions.
A great place to find these Prayer Champions is in your students’ churches. These can be deacons, elders, pastors, youth leaders, small group leaders, and any other adults involved in your student’s lives.
Our unique Prayer Guides will help Prayer Champions stay the course in praying effectively for the next generation.
The Quick Start Kit for Schools comes with ideas for how to fund and distribute the Prayer Guides to your students, parents, and Prayer Champions.
Connect students with Prayer Champions who will commit to praying for one year.
The results could transform your students’ lives!

Susan Becquet is available to walk you through the process of launching the Pray for Me Campaign at your Christian School. Connect with Susan today at 719-205-9791 or susan@ouronehundredyears.com.