The Pray for Me Campaign is a ministry of One Hundred Years, a family of ministries helping individuals, families, and churches make a difference for generations to come. One Hundred Years exists to help every generation reach the next generation with the greatness of God by serving the church through equipping leaders, fostering intergenerational relationships and providing effective resources.
Meet the One Hundred Years Team
CEO & Founder
Tony Souder
Tony is the CEO of One Hundred Years and the Founder of the Pray for Me Campaign, ministries dedicated to helping churches flourish in bringing the greatness of God to the next generation. For over 25 years he has connected, coached and cared for youth ministry leaders across denominational and racial lines around the southeast. Since 2014 he has specifically been equipping churches across the country in building natural and effective intergenerational relationships beginning with prayer. The Pray for Me Campaign has been launched in over 700 churches and ministries, creating over 150,000 life-giving intergenerational relationships in 43 states and 7 foreign countries. He is author of the Pray for Me Prayer Guides, which have been translated into both Spanish and Chinese. Tony and his wife Rhonda have been married since 1985. They have twin adult daughters and live in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

Tony Souder
CEO & Founder
Director Youth Leader Collective
Zach Wyatt
Zach is the Director of the Youth Leader Collective and an advocate for the Pray for Me Campaign. Zach has served in youth ministry for over 15 years and is a graduate of Tennessee Temple University with a degree in Bible. He and his wife, April, have been married since 2003 and they have two sons, Noah and Eli. Zach is passionate about loving and serving youth leaders in our region well. He also loves the Tennessee Vols, Tex-Mex food, and his family, in no particular order.

Zach Wyatt
Director Youth Leader Collective
Operations Director
Bryant Underwood
Bryant has served 23 years in vocational ministry prior to taking on the role as Director of Events and Operations for evangelist Nick Hall of Pulse, leading campaigns and directing national & international events. He and his wife, Marie live in Ringgold, GA and have been married for 12 years. Together they parent their three beloved children Nora, Archer, and Brixton. A fun fact about Bryant is that was once full-time band tour manager for several Christian artists.

Bryant Underwood
Operations Director
Administrative Ministry Assistant
Susan Becquet
Susan grew up in Chattanooga, Tennessee, but lived in both Canada and France before returning to live in her hometown. She majored in French and is working on learning Spanish. Susan previously worked as the Nursery Coordinator at her church. She loves spending time with her family and taking art classes.

Susan Becquet
Administrative Ministry Assistant
Our History
The Pray for Me Campaign is the overflow of over two decades of ministry to hundreds of churches and youth leaders by the Youth Leader Collective (previously the Chattanooga Youth Network).
Since 1994, the Youth Leader Collective has connected, coached and cared for youth leaders across denominational and racial lines to advance the effort of bringing the greatness of God to the next generation.
The Pray for Me Campaign emerged as Tony Souder and the leaders of the Youth Leader Collective considered the national statistics indicating the rise of students leaving the church. While the research was unsettling, it also provided clarity.
Repeatedly, the research suggested the when multiple adult believers invest in the lives of students, they are more likely to stay connected to the church and flourish in their faith. Naturally, the team began to ask:
“How can we connect more adults with more young people more naturally than ever before?”
Choosing to take the most basic of Christian acts—prayer—and make it the connecting point between the generations, they created the Pray for Me Campaign.
Our Heart
The Pray for Me Campaign exists to create a vast web of intergenerational relationships for young people. We see sustainable faith as the goal, intergenerational ministry as the process, and prayer as the catalyst.
We envision a Church that is empowered to pass on a sustainable faith to the next generation.
Because passing on a genuine faith is most effective when we can taste the sweetness of following Jesus from every generation, we hope to see every young person surrounded by a team of Prayer Champions from multiple generations.
We desire to equip those Prayer Champions to pray strategically for the next generation. The Pray for Me Prayer Guides train Prayer Champions to pray specific, Scripture-based prayers for children or students through the lens of the 7 Essentials — seven aspects of life that are necessary for someone to flourish in living faithfully before God and man.
And we believe that prayer provides an easy, natural, and non-threatening way to initiate relationships across generational lines.
We pray that God may be pleased in establishing relationships across generational lines throughout his entire Church, and we pray that our effectiveness in offering a clear picture of the beauty and majesty of Jesus to the next generation may increase hundredfold. May God be praised.